Awarded 1 star in the Great Taste Awards. Judges comment "Made a perfect well-risen loaf with good crumb texture and taste." Milled in France from French wheat. It gives a light open textured loaf with a crisp crust.This flour is T65 for making bread and baguettes.The 65 refers to the amonunt of ash that is left after burning the flour. The French have always used local wheat. It is low in protein. Protein when mixed with water forms gluten.Gluten is like chewing gum and is unique in wheat. It allows the gas generated by the yeast to be trapped in bubbles. The stronger the wheat the smaller the bubbles.The English have historically because of the Empire imported wheat from India Australia South Americas America and Canada. These wheats are strong in protein allowing English bakers to make small bubbles. It also allows more water to be added if you then add a bit of fat it allows the loaf to last for longer.
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